Heathrow Airport to Impose COVID-19 Tests Instead of Quarantine

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Man wearing a mask in an airport

(Source: Schengen Visa Info)

The UK’s Heathrow Airport has secured more than 13,000 Coronavirus tests that will be offered to passengers upon their arrival, with results within hours, in an effort to avoid quarantine rules.

The decision has been set up by Collinson – an aviation services company and Swissport- logistic firm, at Heathrow’s Terminal 2, SchengenVisaInfo.com reports.

“Testing will not only avoid the ‘quarantine roulette’ that so many passengers faced in Spain and France, but it will also open up flights to key trading partners such as the US,  Canada and Singapore,” the chief executive of Heathrow, John Holland-Kaye pointed out.

According to the latest Heathrow Airport decision, arrivals will be required to undergo a second test at home, and if they pass both, will not need to follow quarantine rules.

The chief commercial officer at Swissport, Richard Cawthra, said that “all we need now is government buy-in that those with negative tests will be released early from quarantine.”

Read more on Schengen Visa Info

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