UK to bring in two-week quarantine for air passengers

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

UK to bring in two-week quarantine for air passengers

(Source: Sky News)

Air passengers arriving in Britain will soon have to quarantine for a fortnight as part of a move to avoid a second peak of the coronavirus.

Airlines UK, the trade body for UK registered airlines, has confirmed to Sky News that the move will be introduced by the government for anyone arriving into the UK other than from Ireland, to ease the spread of COVID-19.

The announcement on travel is reportedly set to be made by Prime Minister Boris Johnson when he sets out a road map for easing the coronavirus lockdown in an address to the nation on Sunday. Under the measures, which are expected to come into force in June, all passengers arriving at airports - including returning UK citizens - will have to provide an address where they will self-isolate for 14 days.

Read more on Sky News

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