Coronavirus: Pupils in Scotland begin returning to school

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Kid Wearing a backpack at school

(Source: BBC News)

Scotland's pupils have returned to classes for the first time since lockdown began nearly five months ago. Borders and Shetland schools are the first to reopen with most others following on Wednesday. Physical distancing among students will not generally be required but hygiene and safety measures such as one-way systems have been put in place.

Except for children of key workers, most of the country's 700,000 pupils have not been in class since 20 March. While councils have been given some flexibility over the back to school timetable, the Scottish government wants all schools fully open by 18 August.

All age groups returned in the Scottish Borders on Tuesday - a week earlier than the normal start of term - but most councils have opted for a phased approach, for instance by having youngest pupils return first.

Read more on BBC News

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