Doctors 'buy their own PPE or rely on donations'

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Doctors 'buy their own PPE or rely on donations'

(Source: BBC News)

Almost half of doctors in England might be buying their own protective equipment or are relying on donations, according to a survey by the British Medical Association (BMA). The survey of more than 16,000 doctors also found that 65% feel they are only partly or not at all protected on the front line of the coronavirus crisis.

The survey found that 48% of doctors reported having bought personal protective equipment (PPE) directly for themselves or their department, or had received donations from a charity or local firm. 

He said the survey showed supplies were improving but that they had not reached a point where all staff could be assured they would be adequately protected from infection.

GPs appear to be more affected by PPE shortages: 55% of family doctors said they had to source their own equipment, compared with 38% of hospital doctors

Read more on BBC News

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