Coronavirus: NI unemployment rate in biggest quarterly rise since 2012

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

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(Source: BBC News)

Northern Ireland's unemployment rate has seen its largest quarterly increase since October 2012 - rising to 3.7%.

There were almost 2,000 confirmed redundancies in the past three months, according to official figures. Employers must notify the department when making 20 or more employees redundant.

However, the figure doesn't include those making fewer than 20 staff redundant, so is likely to be an underestimate. In the six weeks from September to mid October, employers proposed laying off 1,720 staff.

There is a time lag between the proposed and confirmed redundancies as employers must give 30 days notice for between 20 and 99 redundancies and 90 days notice for more than 100 redundancies.

Read more on BBC News

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