Bugs in online booking system add to UK's Covid-19 testing crisis

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Woman working on a laptop

(Source: The Guardian)

The website for booking coronavirus tests is struggling to cope with the number of requests, adding more problems to those already accrued by the NHS test-and-trace scheme.

People in the UK who attempt to book a test for Covid-19 online are directed – once they have passed screening questions to ensure they are entitled to the test – to a purpose-built website where they can theoretically book either a home test kit or a walk-through or drive-through test. However, in practice, an increasing number of users are reporting errors on the site itself that prevent them from even attempting to book a test.

Some visitors receive a message that warns “this service is currently very busy”, and advises them that “more tests should be available later”. There are no further options on that screen.

Read more on The Guardian

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