Boris Johnson says lockdown must go on - but we’re ‘beginning to turn the tide’

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Boris Johnson says lockdown must go on - but we’re ‘beginning to turn the tide’

(Source: Mirror)

Boris Johnson today faced down his own MPs and a restless public by insisting the UK's coronavirus lockdown must go on.

The Prime Minister said the nation is starting to "wrestle" the "invisible mugger" that is Covid-19 "to the floor" - adding: "We are beginning to turn the tide".

But he shot down claims he would spell out an exit plan as early as this week - saying now is the time of "maximum risk".  Mr Johnson said social distancing must go on, otherwise the nation would risk "not only a new wave of death and disease, but also an economic disaster". That, he said, would force the UK to "slam on the brakes" with a nationwide second lockdown.

Read more on Mirror

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