Your rights if your employer asks you to go back to work

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Woman working from home on a laptop

(Source: The Telegraph)

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has reiterated his call for people to work from home, as he announced England is to be placed in a month-long second national lockdown from Thursday 5 November. The new lockdown, came after a rise in new coronavirus cases.

On Saturday 31 October, Mr Johnson said that businesses in the hospitality and non-essential retail sectors were to close, while people working in any non-essential sectors should do so from home "where possible". For those where it is not possible, such as the construction industry, they should continue to go to work as normal.

Those who are asked to continue going into work should make sure to check their employer has conducted a risk assessment and implemented the official guidelines on how people can work as safely as possible during Covid-19

Read more on The Telegraph

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