Working from home: could you be eligible for up to £125 in tax relief?

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Woman working from home on a laptop

(Source: The Guardian)

Millions of people who have spent the last few months working at their kitchen tables are being encouraged to apply for tax relief using an online form that could return them up to £125.

At the beginning of October, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) launched an online portal offering employees a hassle-free way to claim the relief without the need to provide receipts or to make complicated calculations.

The government said this week that just under 55,000 people have so far applied online, which suggests millions more who have been told to work at home could still make a claim.

The tax relief is offered to workers provided they were told by the employer, rather than chose, to work from home – and provided they have not received home expenses payments directly from their company.

Read more on The Guardian 

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