Teachers and students must get weekly COVID-19 tests for safe return of schools

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

School kids with notebooks in a classroom

(Source: Sky News)

Boris Johnson has been urged to boost the government's coronavirus test and trace scheme in order to safely reopen schools next month, with calls for teachers and students to be tested as often as once a week.

The prime minister has declared it is a "national priority" to get all children back into the classroom from the start of the new academic year in September.

But with scientific advisers having warned that "trade-offs" may be needed, impacting businesses or social lives, concerns remain about whether sufficient coronavirus safeguarding measures are in place.

The Department of Health and Social Care said that in the 24-hour period up to 9am on Sunday, there had been a further 1,062 lab-confirmed cases, the first time the daily total has gone over 1000 since June. Overall, a total of 310,825 cases have been confirmed.

Read more on Sky News

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