Rise in UK Covid-19 cases: is better testing fuelling the increase?

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Woman wearing a surgical mask

(Source: The Telegraph)

Fears of a fresh Covid-19 surge mounted this week as the UK saw its largest rise in new cases since the end of June - but data suggests the rise is being driven by more infections in younger people and increased testing. 

A total of 1,062 people tested positive for Covid in the 24 hours before 9am on Sunday - nearly a fortnight after Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned of the possibility of a 'second wave' of infections.

But the rise appearing in the UK's daily case numbers may in part be due to more testing - as infection rates climb among younger people while community testing is ramped up. 

According to the latest surveillance data from Public Health England, the infection rate is rising among all age groups under 65, and falling in every age group above 65 - those most at risk.

Read more on The Telegraph

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