More than half of the UK is happy to work from home indefinitely

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Man working from home

(Source: HR News)

A new survey of 1,000 office workers reveals how the nation is feeling about working from home once more. In accordance with the revised government guidance, many UK workers are packing up their desks and heading back home. 

The research carried out by Moneypenny, the outsourced communication provider, revealed that over half (54%) of UK office workers are happy to continue working from home for as long as necessary. 30% stated they are happy to work from home, however, do miss the office. 

After the relaxing of the original COVID-19 measures, 70% of the UK workforce headed back to the office, 47% of those on a full-time basis. 

Furthermore, 47% returned on a part-time basis, splitting their time between working from home and the office. 6% of workers were also introduced to staggered hours. 

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