Matt Hancock repeatedly refuses to accept PPE failures after being confronted by dead doctor's son

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Matt Hancock repeatedly refuses to accept PPE failures after being confronted by dead doctor's son

Source: The Independent

Matt Hancock has repeatedly refused to accept mistakes have been made in the availability of Personal Protective Equipment, after being confronted by the son of an NHS doctor who passed away after contracting coronavirus.

Intisar, the son of consultant Abdul Mabud Chowdhury, who died earlier this month, asked the health secretary live on LBC radio whether he regretted not taking his father’s warnings over vital medical kit seriously enough.

Days before his death, the Homerton University Hospital doctor warned Boris Johnson about the lack of protective gear from frontline NHS workers, and asked him to secure equipment  “urgently” in a social media post.

Read more on The Independent

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