Hundreds of new testing centres to open across England

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

man taking a covid-19 test

(Source: The Independent)

Hundreds of new walk-in centres offering coronavirus tests are to be opened across England as part of efforts to ramp up the test and trace service before winter.

A new centralised Lighthouse laboratory to process thousands more swab tests is also being opened in Newport, with more labs planned to help hit the target set by the prime minister, of 500,000 tests a day by the end of October.

The Newport lab will become operational at the end of August. Currently there are only 15 walk-in centres offering testing for Covid-19 but this will be expanded by “several hundred” by the end of October.
The aim is to have a walk-in centre available to anybody in an urban area within a 30 minute walk to make it more convenient and easier for people to get tested for the virus.

Read more on The Independent

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