How the UK military has helped deliver 1.8 BILLION pieces of PPE to the NHS

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on


(Source: Wales Online)

More than 20,000 Armed Forces personnel have been ready to help the nation as part of the Covid Support Force, which was formed in March.

The Armed Forces have been helping public services, local authorities and emergency services as they respond to the coronavirus outbreak, as well as supporting the Government's efforts to increase testing.

That remarkable number includes 158 million masks, 184 million aprons, 2.3 million gowns and 689 million gloves which have already reached the frontline.

Specialists from the military have also been deployed to help NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde with the fitting of FFP3 face masks.

Nearly 400 military personnel have helped support ambulance services across the UK and a new Aviation Task Force has helped with five medical evacuations in England and Scotland.

Read more on: Wales Online

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