HM Treasury extends tax cut to PPE costs

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

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(Source: GOV UK)

The temporary scrapping of VAT on PPE has been extended until the end of October - saving care homes and businesses dealing with the coronavirus outbreak £155 million, the government announced today.

  • temporary scrapping of VAT on personal protective equipment (PPE) for infection extended until the end of October
  • the three-month extension will save care homes and businesses an estimated £155 million
  • comes after VAT on PPE was temporarily zero-rated at the beginning of May and import duty on PPE was removed

The decision - which will make it easier and cheaper for care homes, charities and businesses to acquire the vital kit - comes after a temporary zero-rate of VAT was applied to PPE sales for an initial three months from 1 May 2020 to 31 July 2020.

Read more on GOV UK

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