DWP launches £60,000 grants for disabled people who cannot return to work

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Man in a wheelchair

(Source: Mirror)

Thousands of disabled workers who are unable to return to the office can now claim a £60,000 grant to help them work from home.

The Department for Work and Pensions has launched a new non-repayable coronavirus grant for those who are extremely vulnerable, have severe mental health conditions or are physically disabled. It said applications for the grants will be fast-tracked for those with severe health conditions.

The grant is part of the Access to Work scheme which has been extended for the first time due to the coronavirus crisis. Those with a disability will be able to use the cash to buy specialist equipment, such as a screen reader, video remote interpreting, or support worker services, to enable them to do their job from home.

Previously, the cash could only be used for support in the workplace or transport purposes.

Read more on Mirror

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