Coronavirus: Testing hit by 'exceptional demand' and 'technical hitches'

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Patient taking a covid-19 test

(Source: BBC News)

The Covid-19 testing system has been hit by "exceptional demand" which has seen some people in Scotland only offered tests in England.

Nicola Sturgeon has said she was aware of "possible technical issues" with the UK-wide online booking system. It has led to some people in Glasgow and the central belt being directed as far afield as Penrith in Cumbria.

The problems have been highlighted after positive coronavirus tests at schools in Glasgow and Lanarkshire.

BBC Scotland has also been contacted by Glasgow parents who said the closest test centre made available to them was in Stranraer.

They would ordinarily expect to be offered an appointment at Glasgow Airport. The first minister said the government was "looking right now at how the demand is properly and appropriately managed".

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