Care leaders welcome no VAT on all PPE items until 31 July

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Care leaders welcome no VAT on all PPE items until 31 July

(Source: Home Care)

From 1 May 2020 PPE purchased by care homes, businesses, charities and individuals to protect against Covid-19 will be free from VAT for a three-month period and will save care homes and businesses more than £100 million.

’It is a good start and we hope that it is followed by further measures’

Care leaders have welcomed today’s announcement that VAT is to be removed from the purchase of PPE for care providers for the next three months as they fight the coronavirus pandemic.

The chief executive from Care England, Professor Martin Green, said: “Care England welcomes this announcement from HMT as a short term measure to help the adult social care sector during the pandemic.

"Government has at last recognised the role that care homes play on the front line, this recognition and appreciation needs to stretch beyond the immediate time frame”.

Read more on Home Care

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