Back to school and back to work in the new normal

Posted by Carolina Plugaru on

Mother holding daughter's hand

(Source: The HR Director)

Lockdown has completely changed the way companies run, with businesses and workers adapting to new flexible working arrangements. Businesses have noticed an increase in productivity, with The National Bureau of Economic Research finding employees were on average working four hours more work per week from home than in in the office. Employees have also seen benefits – the lack of commute has allowed workers more time for friends and family, while working parents have more flexibility to deliver their work and care for their children.

This five-month test case for flexible working has shown businesses that parents can work effectively if supported with flexible arrangements. Previously, it wouldn’t be surprising to see a parent leave their job after having a child – the pressures of a 9-5 role and parenthood were often too much.

With kids returning to school, the value of continued flexibility will be necessary – working parents will be able to deliver the same level of output without their child’s distraction, while businesses will need to be flexible towards their employee and their family needs.

Read more on The HR Director 

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